Sunday, 28 February 2010

My life towards thermal equilibrium

I'm amazed I just got the origin of the universe “explained” within an hour. Among other things, in this talk Sean Carroll first clearly explains the reason behind entropy: the future is one of possibilities, always more than a moment ago. The system is therefor much more likely to go forward through time and possibilities, than return to a more orderly state. It expresses itself as a force of form-creation and biological life, while at the same time inevitably exhausting itself into a dead cold future of thermal equilibrium. He then refutes Boltzmann's multiverse proposal to explain the origin of the order of the primal past (bigbang). The big a!-ha!-aha!-haha!-erlebnis came for me when he explained that the dead future is where we might have come from. Multiverse version 2 in a way, where the state of the (parent) universe, forced into maximalized entropic potential first, but then by the same statistical joke of life (entropy), becomes the ideal fertile ground for singularities to spawn new baby universes.

So I wonder, where is our universe now? adult yet? pre-teen? old and wizened? Or more importantly, are we ready to spawn baby universes of our own?

Part 1
Part 2

Speaking at the University of Sydney, acclaimed physicist and cosmologist Sean Carroll gives an entertaining and thought-provoking talk about the nature of time, the origin of entropy and how what happened before the Big Bang might be responsible for the arrow of time we observe today. Sean Carroll is a theoretical physicist at the California Institute of Technology. He received his Ph.D. in 1993 from Harvard University and has previously worked at MIT. He is the author several acclaimed books. CHAST 2009 Templeton Lecture, University of Sydney

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

ceci n'est pas une émission de télevision

by Fausto delle Chiaie

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

First OuUnPo meeting 23.1.2010

Sunday, 17 January 2010

Ouunpo Ouvroir d’Univers Potentiel Saturday, 23 January 2010, Rome.

Ouvroir d’Univers Potentiel

Saturday, 23 January 2010
2:00-6:00 pm
MACRO, via Reggio Emilia 54

Please join us for the first meeting of the newly founded Ouunpo, taking place in Rome. You’re more than welcome to enroll in one of the following sections, or just drop in while the meeting is in progress.

Share ideas with Oounpo members Meris Angioletti, Daniele Balit, Yane Calovski, Cecilia Canziani, Jacob Dahl Jürgensen, Adrienne Drake, Mark Geffriaud, Raimundas Malasauskas, Darius Miksys, Jacopo Miliani, Daniela Paes Leao, Samon Takahashi, Stephen Whitmarsh!

is the first and most important section. New methods of experimentation are discussed, with descriptions and examples, and Ouunpo members will talk about new ideas for projects. A constraint can be presented by one or more Oounpo members. Many constraints can also generate complements, variations, renovations.

is the section in which possible, ‘not yet worked out’ projects are examined. Here, ideas of new constraints are discussed, though they are still not developed enough to produce a work and, consequently, to be part of the previous section.
A part of the ruminations are also reflections on fundamental oulipian notions: constraint, potential, etc.

is a conversation about works by non Ouunpo members. In this section works that were created before the existence of Ouunpo are presented. The authors of these works are called “plagiarizers by anticipation”.
It is not unusual that an erudition, after discussion and adaptation, leads the workshop towards one or more creations.

Action, past and Future
features Ouunpo activities around the globe. All actions that have been staged outside of the workshop (public lectures, commissions, etc) are recalled and discussed in order to be evaluated and to list the next scheduled or interventions.

Small Talk or Gossip
Well, that’s straightforward enough!

Oounpo is the final step in If you don’t want god you’d better have a multiverse, an itinerant project which explores the concepts of time, space and the role of subjectivity. The project intends to address art as place where these concepts can be translated into form and become the location for interplay between artists, curators, academics and the public.

Ouunpo is a play upon Oulipo: Ouvroir de littérature potentielle (“workshop of potential literature"), a loose gathering of (mainly) French-speaking writers and mathematicians which seeks to create works using constrained writing techniques. It was founded in 1960 by Raymond Queneau and François Le Lionnais, while other notable members include novelists Georges Perec, Italo Calvino and Hervé Le Tellier, poet Oskar Pastior and poet/mathematician Jacques Roubaud. The group defines the term 'littérature potentielle' as: "the seeking of new structures and patterns which may be used by writers in any way they enjoy."
Constraints are used as a means of triggering ideas and inspiration. As well as established techniques, such as lipograms and palindromes, the group devises new techniques, often based on mathematical problems such as the Knight's Tour of the chess-board and permutations. Oounpo works in the same way, though its primary concern is visual art.

If you don’t want god you’d better have a multiverse is produced and organised by 1:1projects in collaboration with Vision Forum and KSM Linköpings Universitet, Sweden.

Partners Kadist Art Foundation, Paris; press to exit project space, Skopje
Supported by KSM Linköpings Universitet, Danish Arts Council, Mondriaan Foundation

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

toward ouunpo: oulipo's agenda (les rubriques)

here's the structure of an oulipo meeting, according to a description found on this blog :

First up is 'Creation', where a new method of experimentation is discussed, with descriptions and examples. Then comes 'Rumination', where possible creations 'not yet worked out' are examined. Then is 'Erudition', a conversation about works by writers not members. And lastly, 'Action, past and Future', which features Oulipion activities around the globe, and lastly, 'Small Talk'.

...'Small Talk' is better known as 'Gossip'

In French, I have found a longer and slightly different description:

Les rubriques à l’ordre du jour des réunions sont les suivantes :

CRÉATION. C’est la première
et la plus importante des rubriques.
Il est obligatoire, sous peine de nullité
de la réunion, qu’il y ait au moins
une intervention sous cette rubrique.
Un oulipien présente
une contrainte nouvelle, accompagnée
au moins d’un exemple. Cette
présentation est suivie d’une discussion
générale, pouvant aboutir à un vote
de félicitations, qui sera porté au compte
rendu. Une contrainte peut être
présentée conjointement par plusieurs
oulipiens. La plupart des contraintes
peuvent donner lieu à une descendance :
compléments, variations,

RUMINATION. Cette rubrique
accueille les idées de contraintes
nouvelles lorsqu’elles ne sont pas encore
assez élaborées pour produire un texte ;
et donc pour fi gurer sous la rubrique
précédente. Prennent place aussi parmi
les ruminations toutes les réfl exions
théoriques sur les notions oulipiennes
de base : contrainte, potentialité, etc.

ÉRUDITION. Cette rubrique permet
de présenter des textes sous contraintes
écrits par des auteurs antérieurs
à la création de l’Oulipo, justement
dénommés « plagiaires par anticipation »,
ou « plant(s) ». Il n’est pas rare
qu’une érudition, après discussion
et adaptation, mette l’Ouvroir sur la voie
d’une ou de plusieurs créations. Il arrive
aussi que des oulipiens soient leurs
propres « plants », autrement dit qu’une
contrainte présentée à une réunion
soit à nouveau présentée ultérieurement,
parfois par le même oulipien.

PUBLICATIONS. Cette rubrique
permet de faire le point sur les
publications individuelles ou collectives,
en cours ou en projet : publications
sous la signature de l’Oulipo,
publications individuelles de chaque
oulipien, numéros de La Bibliothèque

FINANCES. Cette rubrique permet
au trésorier de faire l’état de la trésorerie.

ACTIONS PASSÉES. Cette rubrique
permet de rappeler les diverses actions
qui ont pu être menées à l’extérieur
de l’Ouvroir depuis la précédente
réunion – lectures publiques, stages
oulipiens, commandes –, et d’en tirer
les conclusions.

ACTIONS FUTURES. Cette rubrique
permet de faire la liste des interventions
prévues, ou à prévoir.

SITE. Cette rubrique, nouvellement
créée, permet de suivre
le développement du site offi ciel
de l’

MENUS PROPOS. Cette rubrique
permet d’évoquer tout ce qui n’a pu
prendre place avant.

la date, du lieu et de l’heure pour le mois

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Don't you just love feeling those atoms?

"One day I was looking at the red flower patterns of the tablecloth on a table, and when I looked up I saw the same pattern covering the ceiling, the windows and the walls, and finally all over the room, my body and the universe. I felt as if I had begun to self-obliterate, to revolve in the infinity of endless time and the absoluteness of space, and be reduced to nothingness. As I realized it was actually happening and not just in my imagination, I was frightened…"
- Y. Kusama

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Live brain cutting

The world-famous H.M. died last year. He was probably one of the most important patients for the development of the neuroscience of memory formation.

H.M. suffered from intractable epilepsy that has been often—though inconclusively—attributed to a bicycle accident at the age of nine. He suffered from partial seizures for many years, and then several tonic-clonic seizures following his sixteenth birthday. In 1953, H.M. was referred to William Scoville, a surgeon at Hartford Hospital, for treatment. To treat his epilepsia parts most of his hippocampi (among other parts of the temporal lobes) were removed.

As a consequence he suffered from severe anterograde amnesia (not able to form new memories but remembering the older ones). And well, he was cured from his epileptia.

Now here is the catch: a year after his death his brain is being cut up… live!

Jacopo Annese began sectioning H.M.'s brain (slices about 70 microns thick). At this moment they are taking a break for the night (yes, I know, they don’t seem very dedicated to their work), but they will continue around 8AM PST (17.00 our time). He's expected to reach the temporal lobes tonight (where the memory systems reside).

Here's the link to the live video feed

or you can visit the Brain Observatory home site: - and click on the "view video" button in the front page.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

post-osmotic universes...

Looking forward for Ouunpo !

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Sarah Demeuse wrote: "Driving back from Upstate last night I came by a crossroads that had a huge fork in the middle (as if someone was ready to eat that median). Borges
meets public sculpture? And now this website with a reference to JL himself.
Next up is finding a town called Tlön."

Monday, 23 November 2009

multiple worlds...

Jorge Luis Borges, The Garden of Forking Paths

Saturday, 21 November 2009

Paris program 27-29th November

An invitation to visit several elusive parallel words of past and future, engage with rules of creation under constraint and invent further invitations.


A visit to Osmothèque, the only institution of its kind in the world.

"The Osmothèque, the only institution of its kind in the world, was inaugurated in 1990. Nowhere else can a perfume lover inhale thousands of fragrances created today, yesterday and even in distant history, including a Royal Perfume of the Roman era and the medieval Eau de la Reine de Hongrie.The experts at this unlikely conservatory, situated on a side street in the city of Versailles, have even reconstituted, from a formula discovered by chance in a drawer, the eau de cologne produced on Saint Helena for the exiled Napoleon.
Hundreds of perfumes once thought to have evaporated into the mists of time have been revived at the Osmothèque. Dabbed onto paper strips called mouillettes, the fragrances transport visitors to the woodland glades of their origin, or the era of their first appearances on the perfume scene: heady Blue Narcissus by Mury (1920), nostalgic Christmas Night* by Caron (1922), Chanel's sensual Russian Leather ** (1924), Millot's opulent Crêpe de Chine (1925), to mention only a few".

Possible after-taste later the same evening in one of Ben Kinmont dinners:


Noon: Introduction to writing under constraint by Hervé Le Tellier, one of Oulipo writers. Kadist Art Foundation

Born in Paris, Le Tellier started his career as a scientific journalist, and joined Oulipo in 1992. As an author, he came to general attention in 1998 with the publication in France of his book Les amnésiques n'ont rien vécu d'inoubliable, a collection of one thousand very short sentences all beginning with "Je pense que" (I think that). His rather complex novel Le voleur de nostalgie is a tribute to the Italian writer Italo Calvino. He is also one of the Papous dans la tête, the cult literary quiz of France Culture, the French cultural radio station.

He became in 2002 a daily contributor to the website of the newspaper Le Monde with a short satirical chronicle called Papier de verre (glass paper).

One of his most recent publication is Esthétique de l’Oulipo (The Aesthetics of Oulipo), a very personal take on literature under constraint, considered from a linguistic perspective.

More about Oulipo:

Perhaps lunch with Herve at Kadist

4 PM -Impromptus _ with R&Sie(n)-Francois Roche, Stephanie Lavaux

R&Sie(n) / Paris-Francois Roche:

Guest teacher in master class at Columbia-Gsapp / New-York
Guest teacher at Usc / Los Angeles
President of the laboratory of research / New-territories / Paris
Co-founder and Principal of R&Sie(n) / Studio of architectural practices / Paris
Web site :

A conference online:


TBI (to be invented) and TBC

Co-hosted by Kadist Art Foundation. (

Curated by Raimundas Malasauskas. (

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Marco Raparelli
Anyone intrested in time travel meet me here last thursday, 2009

disegno dal libro “Tomorrow which is today I am going to be very very happy”

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

I believe in god and the multiverse

Follow the following instructions:

1. Relax and concentrate on th four small dots in the middle of the picture in about 30 – 40 secs.

2. Then take a look at any smooth single coloured surface (probably a wall) near you.

3. You will see a circle of light developing. Start blinking your eyes a couple of times and you will see an image emerging!!!


Monday, 12 October 2009

Cosmic Microwave Background temperature fluctuations

the image above represents "the Cosmic Microwave Background temperature fluctuations from the 5-year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe data seen over the full sky. The average temperature is 2.725 Kelvin (degrees above absolute zero; absolute zero is equivalent to -273.15 C or -459 F), and the colors represent the tiny temperature fluctuations, as in a weather map. Red regions are warmer and blue regions are colder by about 0.0002 degrees."

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

next workshop in Skopje

conducted by: Yane Calovski 

where: the monastery “St. Joakim Osogovski” located on the slopes of the Osogovo Mountains.
when: October 30th (Friday), 31st (Saturday) and November 1st (Sunday), 2009. Ideal arrival is October 29th (Thursday) and ideal departure afternoon on November 2nd from 2 pm onward.
contact: for more info and full program details.

Program guests:

Stephen Whitmarsh (born in Woerden, The Netherlands, 1979) graduated in 2005 in psychology from the University of Amsterdam, specializing in psychonomics and neuroimaging and now working on his PhD at the Donders Center for Cognitive Neuroimaging of the Radboud University. Although the focus of his PhD is comprehending fundamental neural mechanisms underlying meditation practices, for an adequate understanding he also considers their cultural purposes and metaphysical premises. In collaboration with the University of Amsterdam he is continuing his experiments into the relationship between quantum physics, consciousness and brain processes, having received positive attention on several international conferences dedicated to that subject.

Dr. Sofija Grandakovska
, (born in Strumica, Macedonia, 1973), PhD, Department of General and Comparative Literature at the School of Philology, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje. Her MA thesis subjects were Intervening Aspects of the Medieval Icon, Semiotics, Theology and Abstract Art and Discourse of the Prayer. She recently completed her PhD on The Akathistos Hymn of the Mother of God in the Context of Byzantine Hymnography. Her areas of scientific interest are comparative literature and visual art, especially the semiotics of Byzantine literature and fresco painting, sacred types of discourse, anthropology, theology, and cultural heritage and contemporary culture.

images from the Roman workshop

Thursday, 24 September 2009

First workshop: Rome, 1:1 projects, 25/09/09.

conducted by: Cesare Pietroiusti

Special guests:
Elisa Ottaviani, Stalker, Sergio Lombardo, Lillo Romeo (Ufficio per l'Immaginazione Preventiva).

press release here (pdf)
comunicato stampa: scarica (pdf)

Monday, 7 September 2009


Wednesday, 8 July 2009

the double slit experiment

I like that quote from the last video:
Atoms are not things, they are only tendencies. So, instead of thinking of things, you have to think of possibility. They are all possibilities of consciousness...

and I follow the stream initiated by Jacopo with my favourite quantum enigma: the double slit experiment.
I never found it so well explained... maybe dr quantum isn't so bad! but I promise: we wont have a "Q" t-shirt waiting for you in rome  !